Monday, November 03, 2014



Sebenarnya tujuan aku menulis ni sebab aku rindu korang semua. Rindu yang rasa nak balik Malaysia jumpa semua 164 orang lepas tu buat group hug ramai ramai. Rindu sangat. Dan mungkin disebabkan faktor tengah dengar lagu Memori Tercipta sambil buat kerja.

Semoga korang sentiasa baik baik je sebab bila korang jaga diri baik baik aku rasa macam dah cukup untuk tau yang korang okay, jangan risau nanti kita jumpa lagi lain kali. Tahun depan ke time Intel, ke ada iftar ke nanti ramai ramai macam dulu atau kat syurga nanti.

Sebenarnya, aku rasa bonding kita sangat sangat special. Lain macam. Orang yang selalu aku rindu dan aku tau yang lain pun pernah rasa jugak rasa rindu yang sama. Machinants, nama tu pun dah cukup special. Macam mana kita sama sama daripada the lowest rank kat sekolah untuk PMR kita naik balik sama-sama and pegang top result sekolah dalam SPM. Dan hari ni, SPM 2014 akan start so jomlah kita ramai-ramai doa untuk kejayaan batch Quins (adik adik kita) supaya berjaya dan dipermudahkan menjawab.

Tak ada nak cakap banyak, cuma jaga diri jaga solat jaga semua. Nanti kita jumpa lagi next time insyaAllah. Jaga nama machinants baik baik. Doakan kita semua setiap kali solat berjaya dunia akhirat. Yang bakal nak periksa, yang berlambak quiz test setiap minggu, yang sibuk conduct program kat uni, yang tengah serabut pasal belajar, Allah sentiasa bersama dan we always have each other. Jaga diriiii kalian :)

p.s- Kalau nak hilangkan rindu kat US ni nak pergi tempat Hazwan dengan Ain pun dah jauh. Maka beruntunglah yang rindu boleh jumpa. :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The rush of memories

Hello guys , it's been a while oh wellss. 

Its been such a tough and challenging weekS. With capital S which means its an ongoing pressure and sebab dah ada dekat final stage to fly off - harapnya berbaloi usaha tak tidur malam stay up hahah sedangkan stay up tu melagho je pun luls. 

Hope anyone who're reading through are in a good health and I know semua tengah berhempas pulas ada yang baru nak start degree ( merujuk kepada manusia yang sedang menulis ini sebagai contoh ) - yang dah habis diploma - yang dah masuk SECOND YEAR * crowd cheering sambil tiup wisel * 

Ohhhhoh rasa tua sangat bila wish orang " Selamat masuk second year uhuks ! " 

Last week berkesempatan balik ke SBPI Selandar , bawakkan dua kek untuk cikgu cikgu , as a symbolic present expressing gratitude and appreciation for the teachers effort from the batch. Thought of making it personal , but still I always see myself as a part of a big group of nonblood related brothers and sister , instead I asked the bakery yang gelabah seawal 9.00 pagi sudah ada customer yang menapak kedai " Akak , saya nak tulis ni " - " Terima Kasih Cikgu , dari batch 07-11 "

Bila renung kek , ( bahahahah ini bohong tak renung pun tapi adalah tengok lols tak sampai tahap merenung ) , I miss US. Entahlah , kadang tu rasa macam tak banyak pun vivid memories between diri sendiri dengan other 163 members. Tapi each time utter 07-11 , Machinants , Deus Ex Machina , automatically rasa yang we've done so much thing together and the idea of togetherness through hell high waters ; it touches my heart. 

Pastu pergi tawaf sekolah , jumpa junior yang dulu form 1 dah form 4. Jumpa cikgu - cikgu , alhamdulillah jumpa almost semua , tapi ada yang takde jodoh nak jumpa. Jumpa akak kantin , jumpa pokok pokok yang sama ahaaa tipunya haha . Tak sempat nak throwback semua memories masa pandang asrama , sekolah , surau , dewan semuanya . Rindu Sekolah , checked. 

One of the last teacher I met was Cikgu Sharif Ebok in his room , pastu sambil bercakap tu , mata menerawang ke setiap pelusuk bilik , I saw a piece of paper on the board , analisis peperiksaan SPM , looking at how it falls from the previous year ( 1.91 rasanya ) to 1.73 ( our year and though its been 2 years passing by , the proud feeling - the effort paid feeling masih ada , maaf belum move on haha ) . But it saddens me looking at the after year , the school performances are degrading ...

I met bekas pengetua STF , who're appointed by SBP to give motivation / booster to the school ( well basically sebab the academic performances and I could recall her ideas / pandangan terhadap sekolah kita ) 

Your school , physically , the surrounding semua very helpful to boost for academic performances but from what I can see, its the students , lacking in self confidence . * and many more I couldn't quote all of them  

ada jugak moment sentapss seperti : " Kalau you boleh dapat A , kenapa kena dapat B ? I don't understand that " , if and only if she asked my SPM result , I'M DOOMED. haha. Right at that moment I know why STF sangat sangat perform masa dia jadi pengetua sekolah. Oh wells , Selandar mesti boleh jugakkk !

and through the conversation , we both agree on ' Semangat Sayang sekolah , be proud of your own school , and when you have that feeling , certainly you akan try hard to bring the pride of the school '

which aku rasa , dulu Selandar berjaya buat aku rasa aku sayang sekolah dan nak bawak sekolah ke one stage higher ( now alhamdulillah dah SBT ) and still I am proud to say , saya Anak Didik SBPI Selandar. :)

I'm kinda like questioning why its pink tapi takpelah haha.

two legendary people ( ayahanda SBPI Selandar and bekas bonda STF )

random snaps

still , the same looks , but the feelings takde machinants , rasa lain. hahah stating the obvious lols.

rindu. even looking at this picture alone , rushhhh of memoriessss !

/ post script / thanks Aqila Mashkuri for the update , and thanks for reminding me , nak left jejak dekat blog batch before departing off to Cardiff this Thursday. 

adios brothers sisters. 

Degree Second Phase


Disebabkan orang yang selalu update blog ni tengah busy sebab dia bakal fly tak lama lagi, so just want to update this.

Okay, bulan ni macam ada tambahan lagi beberapa orang yang bakal fly dan dah fly. Yang bakal fly,

ANIS NAJWA NAZARI - Cardiff University (Law)
MOHD SHAHLYEZAM HASSAN- Cardiff University (Account)
MOHD HASSANI ARIFFIN- Portsmouth University (Mechanical Engineering)

Semoga dipermudah urusan menuntut ilmu korang.

And for those yang uni sama tak kisah lah kat dalam kat luar negara, please ambik chance tangkap gambar machinants sama sama, suka kot tengok. Macam alhamdulillah we did it. May the bonding remain sampai syurga. Semoga kita dapat gather balik kalau tak kat dunia pun ( i wish we will have some time) jumpa kat syurga lah sama sama.

Owh and terlupa pulak ada beberapa orang yang dah pun selamat tiba, macam penolong ketua form kita
MOHD AZRI- University of Queensland, Australia (Mathematics)
NURAIN SYUHADAH ABDUL RAHMAN- University of Iowa (Science Actuary)
NURUL AQILA MASHKURI-University of Washington Seattle (Chemical Engineering)

Untuk student UIA yang baru masuk degree, goodluck korang! May Allah bless.

NUR HANNIS SOFEA JOHAN- Bachelor of Pharmacy
RABIATUL NUR KHALIESA-Bachelor of Pharmacy
MUHAMMAD RASYADI YUSOF ZAKI- Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering
HAMIZAH AHMAD ZAKI-  Bachelor of Mathematical Science (Hons)
RUZANA ISMAIL- Bachelor of Mathematical Science (Hons)
MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS OMAR-Bachelor of Engineering (Biochemical and Biotechnology)
MUHAMMAD SHAFIE BIN SHAHAR-Bachelor of Engineering(Manufacturing)
INTAN BASYIRAH ABDUL GHANI-Bachelor of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Herita Usuluddin.

dan beberapa orang yang tak boleh recall ( kalau ingat please komen nanti boleh update)

May Allah bless my dear machinants. Jaga diri! (Its a serious word) and sesiapa yang free bolehlah hntrkan Najwa,Madjam and Sany fly nanti around this week. Semoga dipermudah urusan dunia akhirat.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

We're just not the same person we used to be.

Its been ages since I last update things here , I bet everyone was busy mending their life and yeah as for me , its been such tough months ( it was - it is and hope soon the tense washed away ). Perhaps because we're older and we tend to notice things. Whats even worse ( or I can say good ) , we tend to take things much more seriously. Kot. I hope so.

Occasionally I went through Zai's facebook album because he stored most of our fond memories in Selandar. And I just did. Looking through the past years. Reading through the comments , surely our language usage changed as well. But whats even better , suprisingly looking at those years , after 3 years passed by , I can say most of us - we changed to good. I can say most of us. And its a pleasant feeling knowing you guys were living your life to the fullest. 

Its like how I looked back through those years , I could have taken academic matter much serious than I used to be . Its like realizing covering your aurah is not just based on the rules and regulation from the school - but its something that make yourself much more valuable  not to mention its Allah's guideline for how Muslim shall behave . I've been waiting such moments where I do things because I know that I need to but not that I am forced to. And certainly , I've met some of that points in life. And I do know my Machinants met that points in your life. 

I don't know but I just wanted to spill some thoughts here. Most probably because I was looking through our pictures back then and its something that you can;t help but to fell into the memory lanes. 2011 - 2012 -2013 -2014 ( I surely missed lots of things about you guys - mampu baca conversation twitter je tapi kadang tu rasa macam awkward nak interfere ) . But I guess its okay kot untuk ada ruang untuk saling tak jumpa - saling tak bertegur sapa - bak kata Ain Syuhadah , " Bagi ruang untuk kita rindu satu sama lain " - she said this when we're discussing whether we shall have the second iftar batch this year. 


random pictures. 

And anyway , if you guys reading through this line : Take care. Serious jaga diri. Jaga ibadah - lets always recite Kahfi - make ourself close to Al-Quran recital - familiarize ourself with zikr. Kalau kita mampu download berjuta playlist lagu bermacam bahasa , it shall be nice to keep zikr and Al-Quran recital inside your gadgets. Be the good person you'll always want to be. 

Once a Machinants , forever I would be, forever we would be.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

* cough * Hey twenties !

Assalamualaikum Machinants :)

Because updating about new year on 31st December and 1st of January are too mainstream , I'll make it rare for having an entry on 2nd of January 2014. Oh wait again. 2 0 1 4. But I believe resolutions new year kita dah lagi awal dulu - I mean 1435 for Hijrah but nevertheless aku rasa its not a harm to renew any niat or any kind of resolutions for new year - sebab kita berkalendarkan tahun Masihi - so maybe the dates will make you more alert. Kot.  Tambah tolak campur semua , its been two years and soon it'll be three years dah tinggalkan Selandar. And wait again. 3 years? Hardly believe myself. And what could that be for us? Welcome to twenties Deus Ex Machina. :) and since it 2nd of January - a special birthday shoutout untuk pembuka tirai birthday birthday batch members - a future doctor to be , Suhailah Hassan. Moga Allah ease through your journey girl :D

20 years old - soon kita akan menerima kad jemputan kahwin. haha.

Pertambahan umur yang semestinya akan menyaksikan lebih banyak perubahan pada diri sendiri - sama ada dari segi physically , spiritually , and even sumbangan kita terhadap agama , masyarakat and soon negara insyaAllah. Nothing much to say since group batch pun senyap , I guess through times , mungkin akan jadi lebih krik krik , but if you're gone for good. That will be a good thing kan? 

Tahun 2014 jugak more products Class of 2011 untuk ke overseas , baik International Baccalaureate ( IB ) mahupun A-level. Jadi as a part of those groups , mohon didoakan kesejahteraan kesihatan , akal fikiran dan kemudahan untuk terus maju ke hadapan . And maybe soon we'll have a mini reunion dekat KLIA , sending off brothers and sisters.  Aku tahu sekarang musim semua dah sibuk exam , terketar jawab exam degree ( like the first time in life , finally sitting for a degree exam )  , as far as I am concern diploma tengah cuti sekarang. Kan? Despite all that , good luck gays ( read happy people ) . Ace the exam - exam , mana mana tak kira apa level , exam is equivalent to susah , tapi susah tak bermaksud kita tak boleh kan? Be a saviour to your own situation machinants. :)

Mungkin juga kerana pertambahan angka pada umur ; tak banyak yang boleh nak cakap , aku menulis pun sebab nak gather and reminisce old days campur reminder campur memohon doa sekali. Jaga diri dimana anda berada. Jaga ibadah , be happy people , soon we'll have more wrinkles on our body ( bercakap gaya nenek nenek 58 tahun ) , all in all , tua ke muda ke , Getting Older and  That signify death is closer too. 

Short tazkirah , or I can say perkongsian : Pagi tadi ustaz dalam radio kata , kalau kita ni takde anak untuk buat amalan online masa kita mati nanti , gunakanlah wang ( jika mampu ) , bersedekahlah dan buatlah benda benda yang bermanfaat - contoh kita beli Al-Quran senaskhah then letak di mana mana surau / masjid - sekali orang baca , berkali kali orang baca , pahala itu berjalan pada kita. :) .

Adios, assalamualaikum.