Mungkin tajuk berbunyi racist dan tidak adil kepada machinants di saentaro dunia , tapi since aku nak update how most of us in the 'west' world doing maka tajuknya berbunyi demikian . Atas makluman , most of you guys sekarang tengah exam mid sem , harapnya korang mungkin boleh macam lek lek sat baca blog batch ( tetiba berbunyi promosi haha ) .
and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS ! ace it ladies and gentlemen !
Hey twenty'one with plural s.
Its 2015 already ! and knowing you guys yang dulu berpisah umur 17 tahun , now we're turning twenty one ! Time surely flies fast and itu mungkin skema jawapan setiap kali tulis post baru. Time. Flies . Fast. I was scrolling the timeline semalam in early in the morning , pukul 3 pagi waktu UK , 11 pagi waktu Malaysia ( 8 hours difference ) - I saw a batch member punya facebook profile , tah camne tah boleh pergi usha timeline dia - which end up scroll photo's sambil berhati hati untuk tidak like - and nampak gambar korang ( well not exactly seratus enam puluh empat ) but seeing those photo actually make me realized , I shall write something inside here , because the last post from me was before depart ke Cardiff. Sekarang alhamdulillah , dah empat bulan dekat sini , merindui suhu Malaysia ( like a lot ) , bersama seafood seafood , Malaysia is such a heaven place blessed with warm weather , ada gak sejuk dengar bunyi cengkerik , dengar bunyi guruh ( and when it rains , you know its raining ) tapi tak dekat sini , I guess mat salleh kalau datang Malaysia mesti boleh terkejut opocot guruh ! haha. K.
Kat Cardiff , seperti kalian sedia maklum , meski belum , meh aku maklumkan , there's another Machinants member dekat sini ( drumroll ) Madjam bukan nama sebenar ( sorry madjam aku kepala masuk air sikit tulis memalam ni haha ) , kerana nama sebenar beliau ialah Shahleyzam ! . Well though dah empat bulan dekat sini , aku boleh kira sebenarnya berapa banyak kali nampak madjam ( which most of the time sempat cakap Yo madjam ( hahaha selalu bukan Yo , Its haiii while waving hands sambil rush nak ke kelas dekat law school ). And indirectly tu buat aku macam appreciate sangat Selandar yang kecil comel seperti kotak , yang pusing pusing jumpa orang yang sama , tanpa berpusing juga jumpa orang yang sama which it might be like countless times you could meet a person.
Looking back to those days , too many good things , and masih belum move on mungkin.
Talking about meeting people , I already met Nurain Nadhirah here , another Machinants member , I couldn't recall the university ( is it York ? sorry lupaaaa ainnnn ) because I met her back at the winter gathering in Derbyshire. Meskipun dulu relation aku dan ain nadhirah cuma setakat Machinants sisters , and mungkin orang yang macam randomly tegur masa jalan di kaki lima aspuri mahupun maybe pernah lepak di dalam surau panas selandar ( miahahhaha ) - nak cerita yang we're not even that close for me to cherish the relation , tapi bila jumpa dekat sini , I was like so excited to say to my friends , She's my Machinants ! . The feeling was not describable . The words Machinants , being Machinants , a Deus Ex Machina member itself bring such a strong feel of bonding ( for me ) . UK ni kecik je sebenarnya compared to USA , macam Malaysia gak dia punya saiz ( bigger I bet haha ) , tapi kecik kecik UK , belum lagi jumpa Hassani Ariffin ( soon insyaAllah somewhere di bumi UK ) .
Talking about USA , teringat yang Ain Syuhadah have already met Nurul Aqila , USA punya journey from one place to another requires big determination sebab dia makan masa yang panjang , requires transportation macam kereta sewa / by plane . And knowing they met somewhere in Sans Francisco , that was one big effort done by both I can say.
Korang , jomlah datang UK later maybe sambung Masters or something , dekat sini despite jalan dalam weather yang sejuk plus tengok all the buildings bekas penjajah Malaysia miahah , dekat sini I learn , I feel the responsibility jadi agent muslim yang lebih bertanggungjawab. Bukan nak kata places did matter to ignite the responsibility tapi itu kot hikmah Allah campak jauh jauh. Meskipun majority already accept muslims as a part of the society , but kadang I did feel intimidated when people had this bad perception towards muslim. Since its early january , boleh kot nak wish , guys , have a great days ahead. Many more things yang kita akan lalu seiring dengan usia yang bertambah. And always bersangka baik dengan Allah despite any challenges yang kita hadap , and sentiasalah bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah. Belajar mana mana insyaAllah sama , padahal aku merasakan sedikit lost , Cardiff tak bagi exam dekat law students for the midsem and naik cuti 26.1 , sesungguhnya aku merasakan kesesatan cuti lelama ni hahah. Bila kita bersyukur , Allah dah janji , dia akan tambahkan nikmat ke atas kita.
Ada rezeki mari berjumpaaa , doakan anak anak di perantauan . And yeah tahun ni batch kita uruskan INTEL ! For those yang macam terpinga weh mende INTEL ni weh , its Interaksi Alumni , the one yang kita hadap dulu , mock interviews and all ! I'm not sure bila , or who yang uruskan , but calling for all machinants to grab this chance for mini reunion perhaps , plus kongsi experience hidup kita to ease people's life , to inspire adik adik Selandar , our mini efforts could mean a lot to the juniors . Hope to see you guys around in June ( nak kena start kumpul duit beli tiket balik Malaysia , which us luck with savings ! )
I received berita pemergian arwah ibu Fizan in December , mari sama sama kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah for his mom. Moga kuat Fizan , Allah indeed know whats best for her and for you.
Take care Machinants <3
bersama Madjam ( yang lebih bergaya sekarang - madjam if you're reading through maaf brother hahah ) masa Raya Haji berbulan yang lepas.
lokasi : Cardiff
penulis ( acah acah fan meeting novel haha ) bersama Ain Nadhirah ( she wore baju alumni Selandar woots woots ) masa winter gathering.
lokasi : Youth Hostel , Hope , Derbyshire
Nurul Aqila met Nurain Syuhadah at muktamar ( idk i spell it right or not )
lokasi : San Francisco.
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